Staff and Contractor Code of Conduct
1. Objective, Scope and Principles
This Code of Conduct provides clear guidance on the standards of behaviour expected of all Inspire Enrichment employees, contracted staff, and subcontractors. The terms "contractor" or "Inspire Enrichment Team" are used to collectively refer to all these roles. Those identified as part of the Inspire Enrichment team serve as role models and hold a unique position of influence. Therefore, they are expected to demonstrate behaviour that sets a positive example for all session participants.
Each contractor has an individual responsibility to consider their own reputation and the reputation of Inspire Enrichment, both inside and outside working hours. This policy does not form part of any contractor’s employment contract and may be amended at any time.
This Code helps all staff understand acceptable and unacceptable behaviour. Employees should be aware that failure to comply with the Code of Conduct could result in disciplinary action, including, but not limited to, dismissal.
2. Setting an Example
Staff should be conscious that their behaviour and conduct will be emulated by participants in the sessions they lead. Therefore, they must avoid using language or exhibiting behaviours that would be inappropriate for children to mimic. Additionally, staff must avoid putting themselves in situations that could lead to allegations of abusive or unprofessional conduct. It is expected that all staff familiarise themselves with and adhere to all policies and procedures of the setting.
3. Safeguarding Pupils
The Inspire Enrichment Team have a duty to remain vigilant about Keeping Children Safe in Education throughout their employment, adhering to the responsibilities placed upon them to safeguard pupils from physical, sexual, emotional abuse, and neglect. This duty includes reporting concerns about a young person or colleague to Ellie Hunt, Jade Carroll, or Ellis Wade, who will handle it according to the Safeguarding Policy, which all employees must read. It's recognised that each person may have different internal experiences influenced by factors such as neurodiversity, sensory sensitivity, past traumas, or negative experiences—these may not be known to the leader at Inspire Enrichment or apparent in day-to-day interactions.
Staff should treat pupils, parents/carers, and colleagues with respect and dignity, ensuring their experiences are not devalued, challenged, or criticised. When referring to other staff members and participants, it is important to use their chosen name and pronouns, prioritising correct pronunciation. All communication should honour personal and social values. Considering the social communication challenges young people often face, staff should strive to be clear and compassionate in their verbal interactions. Additionally, staff should be aware of potential ableism in their communication. They must take reasonable care of participants under their supervision to ensure their safety and welfare.
4. Relationships
Staff must disclose any relationships they have with pupils, parents, or carers outside of the work setting. This may include mutual membership in social groups, tutoring, babysitting, or family connections. Staff should not assume that Inspire Enrichment is aware of these connections. Staff at Inspire Enrichment should not be connecting with parents/carers via social media unless that connection was present beforehand, in which case, Ellie Hunt or Jade Carroll should be made aware. This includes adding parents/carers on platforms such as Facebook or Instagram, or meeting up to socialise with a new friendship.
Relationships with pupils must always remain professional. Physical relationships with pupils are strictly prohibited and can result in criminal charges. Encouraging any relationship that may lead to a sexual or other inappropriate relationship will be considered a severe breach of trust.
All communication with participants must occur through authorised methods and relate solely to work connected with Inspire Enrichment. If contacted by a participant through an inappropriate channel, staff should report the contact to Ellie Hunt and Jade Carroll immediately, in accordance with the Safeguarding Policy. If Inspire Enrichment needs to communicate with a young person under 18, the email (from an Inspire Enrichment email address) or WhatsApp message (from the Inspire Enrichment WhatsApp) must be sent to the parent/carer, not the young person directly.
If there are concerns about a participant's ability to understand message content, a chaperone must always be included in the communication, regardless of the participant's age. Staff should never use personal phone numbers, text messages, email addresses, or social media platforms to communicate with participants, parents, or carers. If initial contact is made via personal communication channels, the client or potential client should be redirected to the central Inspire Enrichment email or WhatsApp to continue the conversation.
Existing or new personal relationships at work should be disclosed to Ellie Hunt and/or Jade Carroll, who will treat these declarations confidentially. Staff should inform Ellie Hunt and/or Jade Carroll of any relationships that may pose an enhanced risk to children so that appropriate steps can be taken, such as cohabitation with a person convicted of a serious offense.
5. Pupil Development
Staff must adhere to the policies, procedures, and professional advice of Inspire Enrichment and the Revolutionary Tuition Centre (where most sessions will take place), which support the wellbeing and development of participants. This adherence facilitates collaboration with colleagues and external groups as needed to benefit participants' growth.
As key adult supporters, staff should help children and young people follow instructions and establish clear, calmly communicated boundaries. It's essential to adopt a positive humanistic approach, always maintaining 'unconditional positive regard.' This entails providing non-judgemental support in all situations, regardless of what the young person feels, does, or experiences. Everyone must be accepted as they are, allowing them to express both positive and negative emotions without fear of judgement or reproach. Communication should align with the acceptable behaviour policy.
6. Honesty and Integrity
The Inspire Enrichment team is expected to uphold high standards of honesty and integrity in their work, including the use of Inspire Enrichment and Hunt Scholars' property and facilities. Gifts beyond one-off token gifts from participants or parents/carers must be declared to Ellie Hunt and/or Jade Carroll. Personal gifts from individual staff members to participants are inappropriate, may be misinterpreted, and can lead to disciplinary action.
Staff should not act on behalf of Inspire Enrichment unless they have the proper authority to do so. Professional references from Inspire Enrichment will be provided by Ellie Hunt or Jade Carroll. Any references given by other staff members must clearly state that they are provided in a personal capacity.
7. Conduct Outside of Work
The conduct of individuals who work with children, young people, and vulnerable persons is subject to scrutiny both in and out of work. Any behaviour that would deem someone unsuitable to work with children, as reported by the DBS service, will result in dismissal. Employees may be asked to stay away from work while any reported incidents are investigated.
Staff are allowed to engage in outside work, whether paid or voluntary, as long as it does not conflict with the interests of Inspire Enrichment or contravene working time regulations, nor affect their work performance.
• Staff must disclose any outside work or business interests where there is a potential conflict of interest.
• If a staff member faces any allegations of wrongdoing in their outside work that may impact their work with Inspire Enrichment, they must report this immediately to Ellie Hunt and Jade Carroll, regardless of whether they deny the allegations.
• Forming inappropriate relationships or friendships with children or young people under the age of 18, or with those they have previously worked with, is deemed inappropriate. A work-related social event is considered an extension of the workplace, and the behaviour expected at such events must align with this policy.
8. E-Safety and Internet Use
Staff must exercise caution when using technology and be aware of the risks to themselves and others. Inappropriate use of social media that could bring themselves, Inspire Enrichment, and its community into disregard is strictly prohibited. Staff should ensure their personal profiles have high security settings. Adding or confirming an add from a young person on Social Media you teach and/or their parents is not permitted.
Care must be taken in using all social media or web-based presence, including written content, videos, photographs, and expressed views, whether direct or by 'liking' certain pages or posts by others. This extends to dating websites where staff could encounter pupils, whether openly or covertly. If a young person or parent/carer contacts you via any personal social media or sites, this should be reported to Ellie Hunt and/or Jade Carroll.
Contact with participants should only be made via Inspire Enrichment email account or Whatsapp/text from the Inspire Enrichment phone, and strictly for work-related purposes. Photos or video footage of participants should only be taken using Inspire Enrichment phones and for authorised purposes, ensuring anyone without media consent is excluded from the content. All such usage must be transparent and occur only with parent/carer consent, with resulting files stored securely.
If a staff member breaches any of the Inspire Enrichment policies, including the Staff Code of Conduct, Online Safety (including acceptable usage), and the Safeguarding Policy, they will undergo a disciplinary process. Sanctions may include a Verbal Warning, Written Warning, and as a last resort, dismissal or early release from the signed contract.
9. Confidentiality
When staff have access to confidential information about participants or their parents/carers, they must not disclose such information except to colleagues who have a professional role related to the participant. Staff are likely to witness actions that need to remain confidential. For instance, if a young person is bullied by another or by a staff member, it must be reported and handled according to the appropriate procedure. This matter should not be discussed outside of the Inspire Enrichment setting, including with the participant's parent/carer, nor with colleagues, except with a senior staff member authorised to address the issue.
Nevertheless, staff are required to share any information that raises concerns about a participant's safety or welfare with Ellie Hunt and Jade Carroll. Staff must not promise a participant that they will not act on information shared with them. Furthermore, staff are prohibited from making any comments to the media about Inspire Enrichment, its performance, governance, participants, or parents/carers without written approval. Any media inquiries should be directed to Ellie Hunt and Jade Carroll.
10. Dress and Appearance
It's essential for everyone to feel comfortable while working with and for Inspire Enrichment. Clothing should be appropriate for the specific session being led – for example, leading a Dance or Drama session might require different attire than a less active session. Staff should consider their movement needs and wear appropriate necklines to ensure that clothing does not become revealing when kneeling or moving. Staff should dress in a manner that is respectful, not offensive, revealing, or sexually provocative. Attire should not feature political or contentious slogans. When suitable, clothing with logos may be provided for staff to wear during working hours.
If you have a concern over a young person’s attire, discussing this with Ellie Hunt or Jade Carroll is suggested, so we can discuss what may need to be communicated; for example, if a young person attends a class where they are moving about a lot, and would therefore need to avoid jeans, skirts or dress; or, if we are working outside, and the young person doesn’t attend with enough layers.
11. Compliance
All staff must complete the form below to confirm they have read, understood and agreed to comply with the Code of Conduct. This form should then be signed and dated and to Ellie Hunt or Jade Carroll.
12. Use of Phones (work and personal)
Staff must not use personal mobiles for personal reasons – such as calling or texting unless it has been previously agreed with Ellie Hunt or Jade Carroll or the contact is in the case of an emergency. These should only be used for aspects such as streaming music for a session. Staff are not to share social media posts on their phones with colleagues which might upset, offend or worry them.