Hunt Scholars Tuition

Hunt Scholars provides tuition for children and young people from age 5 and throughout their education journey. We specialise in supporting children and young people with neurodiversities, to both access education and begin to understand their own differences and the most effective ways to mitigate and regulate their impact and self-advocate when the changes needed require that.

Using trauma informed practice which concentrates on the child or young person feeling safe and regulated and beginning to build relationships with the team, through exploration of things they enjoy and through being in a setting where neurodivergent differences are openly modelled and met with thoughtful mitigation, we hope to create a situation where resilience and tolerance to challenge can begin to develop. Depending on where the child or young person is in their learning journey, we often start concentrating on a number of “ready to learn” skills, such as working on adult led tasks, sharing attention, developing a recording style (including matching with suitable IT) and learning to self regulate for concentration. When that is in place, we can provide academic challenge, with teaching available from first phonics to GCSE English language and literature, and from first exploration of number to GCSE maths. In a broader sense we can support study in a range of subjects that interest the child, both at their pace and through using a range of materials. This includes science to KS3 and humanities and other subjects, such as business studies to GCSE as well as informal learning opportunities which align with special areas of interest, such as Norse mythologies or histories of sports teams etc, concentrating on the study and recording skills that can be supported through these opportunities.

What we offer


Packages specific to individual needs

Be it an EHCP review, parent led application, co-production, or even tribunal we have an IPSEA qualified team able to help you all the way.



With a team able to bring in speech and language, occupational therapy and educational psychology support we can get the reports needed.

Working closely with our team, we have links to speech and language and occupational therapy qualified practitioners and counselling psychology support, which is available to our students if appropriate to make sure provision is appropriate and precise to their needs.

Professional Links

We are offering a range of arts provision via our new venture Inspire Enrichment.  This can vary from supporting young people with a passion for dance or music to explore these areas where they feel a sense of mastery as part of their journey to becoming more resilient learners, to specific arts awards in areas such a technical stage management. Within the team there is expertise in a range of skills from singing to drama via dance and video editing. We also make heavy use of specialists in arts to support speech and language and occupational therapy programme delivery and to support the development of emotional literacy and social communication.

The Arts at Hunt Scholars  

  Specialist Tuition  

Tuition is available either one to one or in small groups across a range of subjects and key stages 1-4. Tuition is also available for study skills, including the specific skills required for classroom learning- listening skills, fine and gross motor skills, memory and concentration skills, including teaching children tricks and tips to make the most of their own learning style within a lesson.

For older children, study skills may involve revision skills, learning from reading materials, developing mind mapping and note-taking and working in groups.  Tuition can also be tailored to individual subjects including numeracy, literacy, science and history, or can be available to support homework and independent learning across the curriculum.

Professional Support