Social Communication Conflict Policy
Aim and Objectives
Our aim is to provide a learning environment free from any threat or fear which will enable us to support the aspirations, achievement and welfare of everyone in the setting. To achieve this, Inspire Enrichment work to:
• Reduce and eliminate wherever possible instances in which children are subjected to bullying in any form, including racist bullying, homophobic or gender variant bullying, of children who may be vulnerable (for example Autistic, SEND, EAL) and cyber bullying
• Determine appropriate ways of dealing with bullying and provide after-care should an incident occur
• Ensure support with social communication conflict for the young people we work with to assist in building their knowledge around this where necessary.
Bullying – A Definition
While young people at Inspire Enrichment may not encounter bullying in the same way as in mainstream settings, we recognise that social communication cues can sometimes be misinterpreted, given our inclusive sessions. It's important to note that many young people might perceive others' social communication errors as bullying behaviour, even if this was not the intent.
At Inspire Enrichment, we believe it is crucial to address this issue positively. The behaviour of some young people we work with, and the vulnerability of others, make it essential to maintain sensitivity to this topic in our sessions. We should also be aware that, although not intentional, some young people might be distressed by others' noises in a cause-and-effect manner that lacks deliberate intent or empathy.
In this context, we define bullying as deliberate behaviour or aggression by one or more individuals towards others, resulting in physical or emotional harm – either directly or indirectly – through means such as online gaming and social media. It is often repetitive over time and usually leaves those being bullied unable to defend themselves.
Values and Beliefs
Underpinning this policy, Inspire Enrichment demonstrates an understanding that:
• It's essential for everyone participating in sessions with Inspire Enrichment to understand that targeted bullying is unacceptable
• We are recognising the harmful impact bullying can have on children and young people and will take active measures to minimise the risks
• Both those who are bullied and those who bully will be provided with supportive assistance.
• A “next steps” strategy will be created to help children and young people feel safe following any instances.
• We are acknowledging that bullying can negatively impact a participant’s behaviours and performance within sessions, and we are therefore committed to addressing all bullying behaviour.
Persons Covered by the Policy
All children / young people registered with Inspire Enrichment will be covered by this policy, along with all contractors and team members of Inspire Enrichment.
Preventative work undertaken at Inspire Enrichment.
Inspire Enrichment is committed to addressing bullying behaviours implementing and continually reviewing the Social Communication Conflict Policy, which includes:
• Assigning specific roles and responsibilities to detect incidents, monitor behaviour, and provide appropriate support after an incident
• Recording and collating all incidents, with regular reviews.
• Communicating the policy to staff, parents/carers, and young people to ensure they are aware of the policy and individual responsibilities.
• Providing staff training to ensure all aspects of the policy are delivered competently, caringly, and efficiently.
• Conducting onboarding discussions with each young person as part of their tailored induction into our setting.
Managing Social Communication Conflict at Inspire Enrichment
• Children and young people are encouraged to inform staff about any instances of bullying, whether it relates to themselves or others.
• Staff will remain vigilant, watching and listening carefully for any signs of bullying, and are prepared to take firm action against it.
• When a case of alleged bullying is reported or observed, it will be thoroughly investigated. Serious incidents, especially those involving bodily harm, will be referred directly to the Director of Enrichment and Director of Arts.
• During the investigation, staff members will listen attentively and take accurate notes on the incident. Both parties, and if needed, any third parties, will be heard. Staff will handle the investigation sensitively to avoid worsening the situation for the victim.
• If bullying is confirmed, staff will address the bullies appropriately, focusing on helping them understand why their behaviour is wrong and how they can adjust it.
• Inspire Enrichment will contact the parents/carers of children or young people who repeatedly exhibit bullying behaviours, inviting them to discuss how Inspire Enrichment can support the young person through a behaviour management plan.
• Inspire Enrichment will make every effort to ensure each young person feels safe following a bullying incident, employing an individualised approach.
Involvement of Parents
We believe that parents should be involved will all aspects of their children’s enrichment. This also applies to behaviour. Early identification of any problem helps us to solve them more quickly. Parents/carers should be aware that Inspire Enrichment need to be informed if there are problems or worries at home that might affect a child/young person’s behaviour within their sessions with us. Parents/carers can help the Inspire Enrichment team by;
• Stressing to their children the importance of sociable behaviour where they have the emotional energy to allow this
• Reporting to us any misgivings they have concerning behaviour
• Actively endorsing and supporting the Social Communication Conflict Policy
• Noting that it is never appropriate to use physical violence against, or in any other way seek to bully, a bully.
Linked policies:
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
Complaints Policy
Acceptable Behaviour Policy