This policy and set of procedures should be read alongside the following documents which also contain safeguarding information:-
Staff code of conduct – ‘Safer Working Practice Guidance For Adults Working With Children And Young people’.

Below are the important contacts and details for whom to contact for any safeguarding or child protection concerns. For our full Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy, please click here, where the document will open and download into a read-only version.

Designated Safeguarding Lead:

Ellie Hunt 01793 209289 (during office hours) 07529211434

Deputy Safeguarding Lead:

Ellis Wade 07529211434

KS2 Deputy Safeguarding Lead:

Claire Stevens / Laura Harris 07436104653

KS3/4 Deputy Safeguarding Lead:

Penny Grove 07436104646

Children’s Social Care Contact Numbers

01793 466903
Emergency duty team: 01793 436699
After 4.40pm (Mon to Thurs)
After 4pm (Fridays)

0300 456 0108
Emergency duty team: 0300 456 0100

Local Authority Designated Officer (for reporting concerns/allegations about adults working/volunteering with children)

Swindon LADO
John Goddard 07392 103019 (Mon to Weds)
Rachel Hull 07824 081177 (Thurs and Fri)
Wiltshire Designated Officer For Allegations 01225 718079 or 01225 713945

Police 101/999

NSPCC Whistle- blowing Helpline 0800 028 0285