Hunt Scholars Tuition and Hunt Scholars Advocacy operate across several locations. This policy covers all educational visits outside of these locations, listed below as primary locations. This includes walks around the locality of the main premises or around the locality of the child’s home, which constitute routine visits as defined below and field trips relating specifically to subjects studied and wider opportunities, such as visiting Sailability at Whitefriars Sailing Club.

As outlined in basic premises of the OEAP National Guidance, “Well planned and facilitated opportunities to learn in the real world, away from the classroom, and to experience adventure, help to improve the lives of young people.” Learners at Hunt Scholars often have a need for concrete, real life experiences to reinforce and support desk based learning. There is also often a need for movement and opportunities to explore through dance, action or exploration of outdoor spaces.


This policy is based around guidance from the Outdoor Education Advisers’ Panel (OEAP)[O@HS1]  and follows National government guidance on Health and Safety on Educational visits[O@HS2] , published on 26th November 2018.

Primary locations:

Primary learning and sensory spaces are located at 53 and 55 Elgar Close, Swindon, and The Revolutionary Tuition Centre, Swindon. Spaces are used for different purposes and are covered by risk assessment documents which are available on request. Communal outdoor space adjacent to 53 and 55 Elgar close is covered in the property risk assessments as is movement between to two separate addresses through a publicly accessible space.

Spaces may also be rented from a number of commercially available sites including but not limited to Wanborough Dance studio and the Church building in Abbeymeads Village Centre. Separate risk assessments which are activity specific are available if your learner is to be included in an activity at these sites.

In September 2023, we have no “transport by vehicle policy” although this is being formulated. If your learner has a session at any of the above sites, we request they are transported to the site by arrangement with the education budget holder.

Routine visits:

Routine visits include trips in the locality within a 10 minute walking radius for the slowest child in a group for learners in KS1 and KS2, and 15 minute radius for learners in KS3 and above. Visits will be a maximum duration of 1 hour before checking in with base.

Ratios will be 1:1 with a minimum of 2 staff attending and one staff member remaining at base. Each member of staff will have a Hunt Scholars’ phone and/or walkie talkie connected to the office on their person.  An “offsite bag” will be carried, which contains

·        A lightweight first aid kit for dealing with grazed knees etc.

·        Any necessary medication for the learner (epipen/ inhaler) will be carried.

·        A sealed bottle of water or the learner’s own drinks bottle

Permission for routine visits will be sought from parents at the start of each year as a blanket statement of permission.

Trips requiring individual planning:

All trips that require individual planning will be overseen by Ellie Hunt. Every trip will have a group leader identified and a clear objective identified relating to the learning aims of the student (including pastoral and social aims).

Specific parental permission and, if requested by the Educational Budget Holder, permission from the Educational Budget Holder, will be sought before a trip. A Risk Assessment will be prepared which will take into account the location, duration and specific risks of the activity and also the specific risks identified for individual learners, who will be identified in the document by their learner code to remain anonymous outside of the organisation.

Emergency procedures will be in place in line with the agreed procedures for each student and accident and incident reports will be completed as at our regular premises.

The Group Leader has responsibility for the supervision, safety health and wellbeing of those involved in the visit. The Group leader will also communicate with the learners about appropriate behaviour and conduct during the trip and each student will be individually considered for suitability for the activity.

A transport plan will be made for offsite visits which may include parents providing transport for their own learner. Where appropriate, parents and carers may be asked to volunteer to attend and supervise students alongside staff members on trips.

As identified by the OEAP, risk assessments must be simple, manageable, proportional, suitable and sufficient. The system must:

• Identify significant hazards;

• Assess the risk of harm;

• Put control measures in place;

• Check if anything else is needed;

• Use a simple assessment language – high/medium/low.


Details for materials carried, including first aid materials and communication strategies and ratios in place, will be covered by the individual risk assessment for the activity. Individual consideration will be given as to how to apply our acceptable behaviour policy, specifically with regards to dysregulation in the location of the visit.

The risk assessment will also include the details of the site contact at the location of the trip, and that relevant checks on their insurance etc have been completed.

It is the responsibility of Ellie Hunt to ensure that emergency arrangements are in place for all Educational Visits. This includes:

 • Ensuring that all involved know who is the emergency contact point for each visit.

• Having access to an emergency plan appropriate to the visit, which will cover serious injury or risk, elopement or safeguarding breaches.

• Ensuring that parental contact information is up to date and accessible.


External reporting of incidents will follow our safeguarding policy and will be shared with the Educational budget holder to ensure their policies and procedures are followed.

 [O@HS1]Embed hyperlink

 [O@HS2]Embed hyperlink: Health and safety on educational visits - GOV.UK (