Acceptable Behaviour Policy

The aim of this policy is to establish guidelines for acceptable behaviour for learners attending in-person or online sessions with Inspire Enrichment. When this policy is effectively implemented, participants will demonstrate appropriate behaviour standards. Communication with parents and carers promotes healthy social and emotional development and positive attitudes towards learning. All individuals in our setting will be aware of our values and methods and will know where to find this information or a suitable version if needed.

This Acceptable Behaviour Policy applies to all the Inspire Enrichment community, including participants and staff (alongside the staff Code of Conduct). It is based on the belief that:

• People thrive in a non-judgmental, in an environment where individuality is celebrated. We work on the understanding that respect, acceptance, and appreciation of contributions are practiced.

• We create a safe and supportive environment, where forming relationships for effective involvement contributes to happy participants.

Any form of verbal, physical, or emotional abuse, including behaviours perceived as bullying or teasing among peers, is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.

Expectations and Responsibilities:

Participants are expected to:

• Be open to listening to others, trying new experiences, and developing independence.

• Understand their boundaries and consider compromises with suitable support.

The Leadership Team and Directors of Art and Enrichment will:

• Promote and support the implementation of this policy among staff, participants, and supporting adults.

• Actively listen to concerns raised by the children and young people we work with, in addition to staff and parents.

• Identify and address patterns of negative behaviour in students.

• Communicate effectively with parents and carers about challenging behaviours that may arise within sessions with the children and young people we work with.

The whole team at Inspire Enrichment will:

• Model and encourage equal treatment of all individuals, regardless of gender, race, disability, cultural background, or religion.

• Be vigilant against discrimination or harassment based on protected characteristics and respond appropriately.

• Promote shared values and a sense of community among learners and families.

• Maintain consistent communication and responses to behaviours.

• Support effective session management to ensure a safe learning environment.

• Celebrate successes and acknowledge that progress may not always be linear.

• Provide sensitive support to participants in distress, offering comfort, re-regulation, and protection if needed.

Parents and Carers will:

• Reinforce communication from our team about participants’ behaviours.

• Communicate effectively with Inspire Enrichment about factors influencing a participant’s behaviour.

• Inform Inspire Enrichment if a child cannot attend a session/s.

Responses to Behaviour:

In-the-moment responses to dysregulation will follow the '3R' approach (Regulate, Relate, Reason):

o Regulate: Engage in calming activities until the learner is regulated.

o Relate: Connect with the learner positively.

o Reason: Engage the learner in a cognitive activity.

Participants will be supported to discuss triggers and verbalise needs calmly. Participants will remain in their environment to regulate, while others will be guided to move away if needed. Parents will be informed of any incidents or times of dysregulation, and any issues will be discussed with the relevant leader. If necessary, interventions will prioritise behaviour support; if the setting cannot safely support a participant, conversations will be held between Inspire Enrichment and the parents/carers, with any relevant safeguarding policies being followed.